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Sharing tips, tricks, life lessons, and stories from my spiritual journey. Walk with me.

What can you do when you’re feeling down?


Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling down or depleted of energy for no apparent reason? Or maybe it is for a reason! What do you do?


I have been feeling this way for some time now. Some days, it’s just that I feel my energy is really low. I feel like I don’t have the stamina to do anything. And my mood is the same. I don’t care about going out and seeing other people. I don’t want to exercise, go to the beach - which I usually love - or go walking. I prefer to stay home, work on my computer and then, at some point in the evening, move my body to the couch, eat and watch TV. This started New Year's Day. So, now that I think of it, it has almost been a month! 


In the past, I would have pushed myself to snap out of it. I would have made myself go out, go to the beach, have lunch with friends and try to have a good time, even though I wasn’t feeling it. As I am becoming more present and accepting, this time, instead of resisting, I am going with the flow. And at the same time, I am noticing what is happening to me.


By staying in, I have progressed in my book. I am writing a lot. It seems I am in a more introverted period in my life, and also more creative. My moodiness doesn’t change this. I love writing my book, building my Social Media reach, and having coaching sessions. Working on these things gives me pleasure and joy during my day. I realise that my work makes me feel better because I love what I do! Incredible! Since it would be something I would have never thought of or been able to claim a few years back! It makes me think how much I have progressed, even in the last year. Small steps make such a huge difference over time.


It’s not that I don’t go out at all! But not at the intensity I would have during other periods of my life. Some days, I feel lonely, and I am okay with that, too! I am accepting myself just the way I am. Here. Now. Today. Why? Because I know that this too shall pass. Nothing in life ever stays the same. I am honouring my feelings and my body’s needs without being guilty, worried, or wanting to change because it is not “right” for me to be this way! 


Last week, I started exercising again, and I enjoyed it. I don’t feel strong yet, but I am giving my body time to come back and adjust. Saturday, I was invited to a party, which, until the last minute, I wasn’t sure if I was going to. I went for a long walk - yes, I started that too - and thought about it all day. Again, I decided that I would go with the flow and do what felt right at the last minute. I was okay not to know. One more thing I would have never considered in the past. I would have just pushed myself to go and have a good time. And then, I would need at least a couple of days of solitude to recover from pushing my limits and going against what felt right for me in the first place.


Eventually, I decided to attend, just because I was sure that the next morning, I would be kicking myself for not going. But I stayed in my corner, not socialising much or participating in the fun activities. I allowed myself not to be a party animal. I ended up meeting a couple of very interesting women who I believe will become my friends. I actually had a good time, even though I wasn’t my usual fun self. 


I am still in this moody kind of period, but feeling stronger and with more energy. But the reason I shared this experience with you is to give you these 5 tips and thoughts that maybe could help if you find yourself in a similar situation*:


  1. Sometimes, you should do nothing!

  2. You are not supposed to be 100% all the time. Like the seasons, our bodies have rhythms. Listen to your body’s needs. Rest. Allow your body to recharge.

  3. Feelings and emotions are the same. We are not supposed to be happy all the time. Notice your feelings and emotions. Acknowledge them, and don’t try to fight them. Be okay with them, and know they will change. Do not force this change. They will probably go away on their own. Or, when the time is right, you will know what to do. 

  4. Don’t go against yourself and your needs. Don’t feel you need to be and behave in a specific way. There is no right way of being. Only what you are now. Go with the flow. Allow yourself to be, and maybe you’ll be surprised by what you discover.

  5. You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions. These are ever-changing. You are the observer, the presence, the inner peace. Go within. Observe. Sense the spaciousness. Sense the part of you that is still. And you’ll find peace.


I used to believe that I should always be positive and happy. I should have the answers and know where I am going. Strive to move forward. To reach the goal. To keep going. To never give up. To be relentless in my quest to achieve my dream. To push myself, especially when I feel I can’t do it. Because this is how we are supposed to be. I have come to realise that life is not about that. It is about being present. Enjoying the journey. Even the bad days. And I don’t mean loving to be miserable. But acknowledging what is and being okay with it. And finding small things that bring you peace and joy, even during these times. Life is a lot simpler than what we make it. It’s about experiencing every moment to the fullest. Whatever this moment is. 


Have questions? Need help? 

I am here for you. Let’s connect.

*PS. I am not talking about chronic depression or any other physical or mental disorder or disease. In that case, seek medical attention - psychological or physical help - as soon as possible.

Sound familiar?

If you’ve felt the heart twisting misery of being alone, even when surrounded by people…or the paralysis of total overwhelm - I get it.


The lack of balance you’re feeling, or that niggle of “there must be more” is entirely familiar to me. I have been there, done that and got every item in the gift shop, not just the t-shirt. 


My name is Myrto Mangrioti and when I say I get it. I GET IT!

The list goes on...

  • Trapped in a seemingly endless list of  "must do's", trying to please everybody (and failing miserably)?

  • Struggling with perfectionism?
  • Craving to feel loved, scratch that even just LIKED and worthy. And messing up? 
  • Lacking a clear identity, purpose or direction in your life?


If you’re nodding along to some or all, you are not alone. BUT there is a healing and transformational journey I teach to reconnect with yourself and live the fulfiling and balanced life you desire.

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