8 Rules To Set Goals That Actually Work - The R.O.A.D.M.A.P.S. method
Most people know the SMART way of setting goals. But on some levels, I feel it is incomplete. Having used goalsetting for years now, to achieve what I want in my life, I have created a more complete method that incorporates everything I've learned.
Use my R.O.A.D.M.A.P.S. acronym for creating goals that will get you where you wanna go:
1. A goal must be SPECIFIC. The more details, the better. Vague goals, produce vague results. For example, “I want to be happy” doesn’t mean anything. You need to think of specific things that will make you happy. Or I want a nice job or a great spouse. What are the specific traits that will satisfy you?
2. The goal must have a DEADLINE. By when do you want to achieve it? This helps you to keep on track and make adjustments if needed. Also, it gives you an incentive to start working for your goal. If you say, “I want to write a book”, that is just wishful thinking. Adding the “By when” will motivate you to move forward and do it.
3. It must be MEASURABLE. Someone other than you must be able to assess if you’ve achieved your goal or not by your deadline. If you say, “I want to lose weight”, it is vague. But if you say, “I want to weigh 120 pounds on May 30, 2025, everyone -including you- will know if you have achieved your goal by that date.
4. It must be PERSONAL. It must be something YOU want. Not your family, not your friends, not society. What is even more important is to know why you want it. Your goals should be in harmony with your values, priorities, and inner purpose. These are the goals that you’re most likely going to achieve. Knowing your why will help you enjoy every step.
5. A goal must be REASONABLE. A goal must get you out of your comfort zone but must not be so crazy that it stops you in your tracks. Set realistic, smaller goals, and build upon them. Having said that. Dream big. Don’t let the how to stop you from setting a goal. You don’t need to know the how. Think about when you’re using a GPS; it only shows you the next couple of turns; the same thing happens with goals; as you move forward, the next steps will show up.
6. ACTIONABLE: It’s not enough to just write your goals. You must take action in order to achieve them. This adds to the previous rule. Take the first step, and then the next. The rule is to take three steps per day towards your goal. In a year, you will have taken more than 1,000 steps for this goal, which is huge. Remember, small things build up with time.
7. You need to have a clear, ORDERLY plan of action... or at least the things you need to start doing to reach your goal. So, as soon as you have your goal, work on a plan. Write down any number of ideas you have that will help you achieve your goal. What is the first thing you need to do? Do it now.
8. What is very important, though, is that while pursuing your goals, you must stay ATTUNED to your needs, energy level, and environment. Take time to pause if you need it. Don’t feel guilty about it. We are not always at our best. We are not machines. It is ok to give yourself a break. It doesn’t mean you have failed. It means you are taking care of you. Also, reassess the goal and course-correct. Enjoy the journey, not the final destination.
In a nutshell
Set specific, measurable, reasonable goals that are meaningful to you and that someone else can also understand if you have reached them by the deadline you have set. Create an orderly plan and take action immediately by taking the first step. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t know how exactly you’re going to reach this goal because as you move forward, the solutions will come. Be excited with every step you take. Enjoy the journey towards reaching your goal and not just the final destination.
You might see that accountability is not one of the rules. Why? Because if the goal is what you love and truly want, you don’t need accountability. You will work towards it because you want to, without needing someone to overlook your shoulder. If the process doesn’t satisfy you, there are two things you can do: The first is to change your mindset so that you can find joy during the journey and every step you take, or rethink if this goal is what you truly want. Go deeper into the why you want it. There is a very good chance that what you actually want is something else.
And if you need a break, give yourself permission to take it guilt-free. When you do that, it helps your mind and body rest and recharge, and you will come back to action with more energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration, and you will be more ready to tackle whatever obstacles might be in your way. Trust me on this. I have tested it again and again.
You can download the guide here: https://bit.ly/goal-setting101
I wish you good luck with whatever you wish to achieve in your life, and I am here if you want to reach out. Never think twice to ask for help if you need it.